Friday, February 24, 2012

The True Nature of Leadership

I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately. How I can help humanity, how I can help the planet, the animals, myself. I feel that there's magic in our connections with each other. I feel that if we collaborate, more than that, if we co-create our existence together, there's nothing we cannot do, nothing that we cannot accomplish.... together. This is the true nature of leadership. 

I developed different beliefs over the years that actually kept me separate from people. I've been doing a lot of self transformational workshops, I've cleared so much emotional issues, or baggage as some of us say, that I have realized that the most important thing is our connections to each other and to help each other evolve in consciousness. Josiah Royce, an engineer turned philosopher (sort of like me, an engineer turned leadership "philosopher"), said "But individuals are not isolated beings; we can know ourselves only in relation to others". I think that's partially true. I use to think that was completely true, but I believe there is a fundamental element of self, of ourselves that we need to truly understand at not only  a physical, emotional, and intellectual level, but at a spiritual level. Through this awareness, our beliefs "self liberate" as Ken Wilber says into the vastness of the infinite. When this happens, we truly understand that  we are not our bodies, not the object, we are the observer, the spiritual being, the soul energy that is currently occupying this body to experience life, experience what we are currently creating. When we realize this, the  game of manifesting, co-creating shifts perspective,  and changes view point, a paradigm shift happens.  

Can we do leadership if we are not "evolved" or at this level of consciousness? The answer is not only a profound yes, but I believe the leadership process raises each other to these levels of consciousness. I believe that when we share and "do leadership", or engage in the leadership process from our authentic selves, we co-create our reality. 

We can only do this together, one does not do leadership without others...


  1. Hi Lisa I agree the more we see how we are interconnected and one - the more we can see a world that supports that - And as you know I think the focus for this is outside the normal places - not in politics and the historical spots for leadership but in everyday interaction - starting with each one of us standing in the center of our heart chakra seeing the other - then through this connection an evolution of consciousness will happen over night or over day - evo-luntionary as we used to say :) Great work here dear, love bg

  2. Thank you Beth! Yes, as each one of us evolve, the entire planet is uplifted!
